Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Petraeus and Crocker

I listened to a good portion of the Petreus/Crocker hearing on Tuesday.

My summary is very brief.

They said it was a live radio broadcast but I could have sworn it sounded exactly the same as the last Petraeus hearing - stay the course or else Al Qaeda will be victorious , everything is fragile, we've made tremendous gains, Iran is behind a lot of it, the troops have suffered great losses and need to be commended (this point is very true), Republicans and Joe Lieberman praise everybody, the Democrats point out that its smoke and mirrors.

Everybody gets to state their case, in front of a big microphone for the country, which is primarily the same case they've had all along.

The conclusion: We will remain in Iraq.


Glynn Kalara said...

Its always the same. In the end it will be left for the D's to pull out and be accused of the "stab in the back" by the same crowd that said the same BS after the Vietnam debacle. These people simply never ever learn anything. Pathetic.

Jim Sande said...

The thing that got me was how hardly anybody asked a real authentic question. It was all a careful worded event so as to emphasize somebody's screwy angle on the whole deal. Somebody like Kennedy asked questions only for the effect, he didn't even allow for an answer. Then some of these uber patriotic Republicans waxing poetically on the troops, the same line every time. It was pathetic. I don't even know why they held the hearing, what was the point.

Glynn Kalara said...

It was all a pre-staged horse and pony show as there called. BV$H and his cronies must have had a good laugh as Gen. Betrayus farted his lines on cue like a fucking trained seal. He should save his lines for the war crimes tribunals that will someday drag all these lying bastards into court someday.

Jim Sande said...

Funny thing I saw a clip of that Australian reporter who is well known for his Iraq coverage I think on MSN, can't think of his name, anyhow he said it was a waste of oxygen! - can you imagine. He said nobody asked any decent questions and it was all fluff. We all had the same type of reaction.