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Saturday, April 26, 2008

When Neocons Go Beyond Bad

Douglas Feith headed the infamous Office of Special Plans which "stovepiped" information on Iraq to the President. The Office did an end run around the legitimate intelligence community and brought forth "intelligence" that made the case for war. The case which most people now understand to be a leaky and rusted cracked pot of nonsense.

This was the plan of the neocons. If the information and intelligence does not fit the ideology, then by all means make it up, use PR firms to sell it, and lie.

Feith is a neocon and he continues to lie. He is a Project for a New American Century signatory. This fact alone would stand the hair of the average American on end if they took the time to research that connection.

In my book, the neocons need to be herded up, and cast off on a deserted isle, far from civilization.

Feith is promoting a new tell all book, pointing fingers wherever he can, to point the blame of the Iraq war/occupation failure away from himself and onto his neocon cohorts. Imagine a pit of venomous rattlesnakes, each trying to kill the other. This would be the Feith rattlesnake's version of the catastrophic mess.

WaPo: Iraq War Is Everyone Else's Fault, Feith Explains
Gen. Tommy Franks called him "the dumbest [bad word] guy on the planet." George Tenet of the CIA called his work on Iraq "total crap." And Jay Garner, once the American administrator in Iraq, deduced that Feith is "incredibly dangerous" and, "He's a smart guy whose electrons aren't connected."


Glynn Kalara said...

Feith and his friends are total fucktards that need to be put up against a wall and shot.( or at least pied!)

Jim Sande said...

We're thinking along similar lines GK. I like the idea of sending Feith and co. out to colonize an asteroid in the Kuiper Belt.