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Saturday, April 19, 2008


The cost of the Iraq war/occupation is beyond enormous.

Not only do we know about the 4,000+ troops killed, the 300,000+ suffering from PTSD, the 25,000+ suffering from injuries including loss of limbs, $3trillion price tag, the several million displaced refugee Iraqis, and the 100,000+ Iraqis killed, there are the programs that lose funding in favor of war. This is an internal, within the nation, type of blowback.

The San Diego Union Tribune: Too few funds to fight cancer in U.S.
- 1,500 Americans a day die from cancer...

- The National Institutes of Health has lost 2 percent of its budget to inflation in real dollars every year for the last seven years, a 14 percent decline...

- When...asked...why there is the drop in federal funds... “We have a deficit and a war.” If funding potential disease cures is part of the price of Iraq, it is no wonder that 70 percent of Americans oppose the war and want its cost to end in the scheme of priorities.
Our priorities are in disarray.

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