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Friday, July 26, 2024


 Have an excellent weekend. See you bright and early Monday morning.

John Flannery - July 26, 2024

Glenn Kirschner - DA Bragg Urges NY Judge To Reject Trump's Attempt To Toss His 34 Convictions - Proceed To Sentencing

MSNBC - 'All Hell Will Break Loose' - What Democrats Should Expect From Republicans This Election

Brian Tyler Cohen - Trump Suddenly Hit With Nightmare News On Sentencing

Too Hot

 MSN: Georgia will be too hot to host Olympics in 2050, data shows Story By Kristal Dixon  

The majority of the world will be too hot to host the Summer Olympics by 2050

Coney Island

 'Man in hat, trunks, socks, and shoes' - Coney Island 1960 By Diane Arbus


Shrinking Trump - 'We Want To Drive Trump Crazy, Destabilize And Trigger Him'


 Gift article available to everyone.

 Washington Post: Another major heat wave will build across the United States next week - The heat will cause drought to expand while also increasing the fire risk in the western states. By Ian Livingston

Talking Feds With Harry Litman - Alvin Bragg Strikes Again With Huge New Filing

'I Feel Love'

 Donna Summer

'Give Me Back My Man'

B 52's

Lawrence O'Donnell - Everything Out Of Trump's Mouth Is ‘Real Garbage’ And It Should Be Treated As Such

Meidas Touch - Trump Gets Zero Percent In Michigan Shock Poll

The Bulwark - MAGA's 'DEI' Attacks On Kamala Harris Will Backfire - With Jennifer Palmieri

Meidas Touch - Trump Campaign Collapsing After Debate Cancellation

Mr. BS

 Washington Post: Opinion - The world has changed, and Trump needs a mulligan. The former president is back to firing off random, late-night rage posts from his social media account. By Dana Milbank

But now, he poured on the insults: Rep. Jim Clyburn (S.C.), a long-tenured Black Democrat, is “not the brightest bulb”; ABC News, host of the next debate, is “such a joke” and “the home of George Slopadopolus”; Biden is crooked and sleepy; Harris is “Dumb as a Rock.” 


 NPR: The 2024 Olympics open in Paris with Lady Gaga, floating athletes, opera and ballet

The Bulwark - Old Blogs Expose JD Vance As A Fraud! - Andrew's Take

Trump's VP Pick - James Donald Bowman


Brian Tyler Cohen - Trump Gets Bad News Over Plan To Block Kamala From Using Biden-Harris Campaign Funds

Many Names

 AP News: What’s in a name? Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance has had many of them

MSNBC - Harris Is 'Pulling Together' Coalition Needed To Beat MAGA In November: Rep. Crockett

David Pakman - Trump's Brain Collapses - Confuses Kamala And Nikki Haley

Talking Feds With Harry Litman - Pro-Trump Lunatic Arrested For Threatening Judges

Meidas Touch - Trump Losing All Stamina - Might Not Make It To Nov 5Th

Of Course

 Washington Post: Trump White House was warned sanctions on Venezuela could fuel migration - The internal debate over the policy underscores how U.S. financial measures can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. By Jeff Stein , Ellen Nakashima and Samantha Schmidt

The Trump White House was warned that harsh sanctions on Venezuela could accelerate that country’s economic collapse and speed an exodus of millions of migrants to neighboring nations, according to three current and former U.S. government officials.

The Onion - Photo Of Garden Cucumbers Sent To Father Unleashes Torrent Of Unbridled Criticism

 The Onion: Photo Of Garden Cucumbers Sent To Father Unleashes Torrent Of Unbridled Criticism


 Axios: The seas are not alright: "Unusual warmth" hits nearly all of world's oceans By Andrew Freedman, Rebecca Falcone

The Lincoln Project - One Old Man

Kevin Roberts - Project 2025

 Guardian UK: Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei - Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings By Rachel Leingang and Stephanie Kirchgaessner


 I unsubscribed from the NY Times a few weeks ago, I was so irritated by their anti-Biden and pro-Trump articles that I ditched them. Why hadn't they called for Trump to leave the presidential race, given Trump's boatload of felonious activities. Regardless, there is apparently a new NY Times poll that has Harris up by a point, as opposed to an earlier this month poll that had Trump up by a few points over Biden. Remember this is only after a few days of Harris being in the presidential slot because I would presume the poll was taken earlier in the week and the results were only posted today, on Friday. Harris is going to win this. She's young fresh, positive, and knows how to laugh. Trump is old, negative, sour, hateful, horrible in all ways not to mention his inability to tell the truth, and the guy can't laugh. What the hell is with that anyway? The country is sick of Trump's negativity, I sure am.


 If Harris pulls off a win in November and the Knicks play the way people believe they will play in the upcoming NBA season, then I can truly rest in peace.
"Coming off their best season in over a decade after winning 50 games (50-32) for the first time since 2013, the New York Knicks’ win total for the 2024-25 season has been set at 53.5 on multiple sportsbooks according to Vegas Insider."


 GeoBeats Animals - “Crows are very family oriented creatures. Out in the wild they have as many as five generations that live together. The whole entire family will help to build the nest together. They’ll help feed the babies and they will even feed their own mother while she’s sitting on the nest taking care of their brothers and sisters.”

GeoBeats - This Crow Seems Convinced He's A Tiny Human

'Wisteria In July'

Have An Excellent Friday

 Artwork By Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944


Alex Wagner - Right-Wing Media Bubble Distortions Leave Trump Ill-Equipped For General Public Messaging

Morning Joe - Obamas Endorse VP Kamala Harris For President

Meidas Touch - Trump's Biggest Supporters Turn Against His Own VP

Meidas Touch - Trump’s Panic Grows As His Campaign Quickly Collapses

Brian Tyler Cohen - Obama Drops Surprise Good News For Kamala

John Flannery - July 25, 2024

Atlantic Ocean

 Wired: How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break? Two Sibling Scientists Found an Answer—and Shook the World - A gigantic, weather-defining current system could be headed to collapse. Peter and Susanne Ditlevsen had a simple yet controversial question: How much time might we have left to save it? By Sandra Upson


Good News Network: German Zoo Honors Little Lynx’s Wish to be Free After Repeat Escape Attempts By Andy Corbley

Can't Stop

 The Bulwark: GOPers Can’t Stop Going After Harris’s Race and Gender - Plus: More unnecessary impeachment resolutions By Joe Perticone


 Inside Climate News: In the Developing Field of Climate Psychology, ‘Eco-Anxiety’ Is a Rational Response - Some therapists have found that cognitive behavioral therapy, designed to help patients see that they are “catastrophizing,” isn’t enough because the potential impacts of climate change are truly catastrophic. By Nina Dietz


 Guardian UK: Man gets third-degree burns from walking on sand dunes in Death Valley - European visitor rushed to hospital after briefly walking barefoot in California national park amid extreme heat By Associated Press


 Guardian UK: Barack Obama endorses Kamala Harris for president in 2024 US election - Former president’s endorsement means US vice-president has won backing of all the party’s high-profile figures By David Smith and Robert Tait in Washington


 Washington Post: Polls show some good early signs for Kamala Harris - There are indications she has gained among some key groups. But the race remains close -- and stubbornly so. Analysis By Aaron Blake


 Washington Post: Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris for president - The Obamas are the final key leaders in the Democratic Party to unite behind Harris after President Biden ended his bid for a second term. By Tyler Pager and Toluse Olorunnipa


 Salon: The backlash to Butler: Who will pay for the attempted assassination attempt on Trump? History shows that the assassination attempt against Trump may lead to repression of the left By Matthew Rozsa


 Salon: The man who set the stage for an imperial presidency if Trump wins - A look at Leonard Leo’s American theocracy By Dennis Aftergut

The Market On Friday

 Good morning. At 6:04 a.m. ET DOW futures are 181, S&P futures are +40.25, and NASDAQ futures are +200. The market is poised to open significantly higher. Source

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Meidas Touch - Very Scared Trump Officially Cancels Debate With Kamala

Geo Beats - Raven Raised By Human Acts Like Dog


 Washington Post: Opinion - Kamala Harris is making politics fun again - Fighting the good fight doesn’t mean Democrats can’t have a good time. By Kate Cohen

The Bulwark - George Conway Explains - Kamala’s Unstoppable Rise Makes Trump Lose His Mind!

Myths Stanford researcher examines earliest concepts of artificial intelligence, robots in ancient myths - In her latest research, Stanford classics scholar Adrienne Mayor highlights ancient Greek myths that contained ideas about creating artificial, lifelike creatures.


 MSNBC: Against election backdrop, economic growth exceeds expectations. As the 2024 elections draw closer, Republicans want voters to believe the economy is awful. Reality keeps pointing in the opposite direction. By Steve Benen

'King Of Pain'

 The Police

The Bulwark - Kamala Is Blowing America Away! With A.B. Stoddard

Meidas Touch - Fox In Total Panic Mode Over Kamala Momentum

MSNBC - 'Fight For Freedoms' - Harris, Trump Campaigns Ramp Up


 Washington Post: Opinion - Who should Kamala Harris choose as her vice president? What does she need in her running mate to govern well? By Matt Bai

My first pick is Beshear, actually. A Democrat who got reelected as governor in Kentucky obviously knows how to relate to people who might not warm to Harris. 


 NPR: Octopus farming in the U.S. would be banned under a new bill in Congress By Bill Chappell

Meidas Touch - Trump VP’s Secret Videos Found By Meidas Go Viral

The Lincoln Project - Control


 Kare: Okinawa's Blue Zone Diet: A Gateway to Centenarian Life By Laswick Hailey

Reuters - Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign For President

MSNBC - '78-Year-Old Criminal' - Harris Campaign 'In Fight Mode' Against Trump