Monday, October 08, 2007

Which Department Are You From?

Rice's low-key agents stalk trigger-happy armed guards in Iraq
Aided by radio and video links, a little known enforcement arm of the US State Department is to stalk the guards of American private security firm Blackwater in Baghdad after their trigger happy ways anger Iraqis.

Agents from the diplomatic security bureau, whose current duties range from protecting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to running a reward program to catch terror mastermind Osama bin laden, are being sent to Baghdad to rein in Blackwater's armed guards, officials said.

This revelation raises the red warning flag and sets off the alarm siren, big time.

Exactly how many branches of the US government are providing military agents/soldiers/support/contracted mercenaries for this little BBQ known as the Iraq killing field? Three? Seven? Twelve? Twenty four? I'm thinking the latter.

Now we have agents from the State Department going after the mercenaries that the State Department itself had a hand in hiring by giving away those Bush/Republican tainted no bids to Blackwater and related Republican based mercenary outfits. The PNAC/Rumsfeld legacy lives on.

If this isn't an absolute sign that this mess in Iraq is totally out of control, then what is it?

The recent CNN report on corruption in Iraq fuels the sense of chaos as well:

Iraq government 'not capable' of fighting corruption
A U.S. Embassy in Baghdad document studying how Iraq fights corruption says the Iraqi government "is not capable of even rudimentary enforcement of anti-corruption laws" and the prime minister's office is openly hostile to the idea of an independent anti-corruption agency.

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