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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pure K-K-Krap

KKK on the rise?
"After a static period, the Ku Klux Klan is growing rapidly, fueled by job losses, urban crime, gay marriage and illegal immigration from Mexico, a civil rights organization and a Klan leader say.

“The KKK believes the U.S. is drowning in a tide of nonwhite immigration, controlled and orchestrated by Jews, and is vigorously trying to bring this message to Americans concerned or fearful about immigration..."

Thinking about this rationally, and the immigration issues do seem to 'transcend' rationality, exactly when has the KKK been correct on the issues. The answer is virtually never.

This speaks volumes about the xenophobic tidal wave sweeping the country:
xenophobia - noun
Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

Recapping -
a. KKK is increasing in strength as a result of immigration fears, a xenophobic tidal wave.
b. KKK has been 100% wrong on the issues.
c. The KKK has a history of terrorism, violence, racism, and intense hatred. The worst qualities that a person can cultivate.
d. What side of the issue do you support?
e. What human qualities do you want to cultivate?

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