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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Too Much

How can Condoleezza Rice make statements like this:

Rice attacks Kremlin's power grip
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has voiced concern about Russia's direction by saying too much power is concentrated within the Kremlin.

Considering that the Bush administration has reprehensibly advanced the unitary presidency, this type of statement is shallow. It becomes one dictator criticizing another.

Bush with more signing statements than all previous presidents combined, has adjusted the law to suit his own corporate privatized neo-con agenda. Congress can pass laws but Bush is above the law of the land. Bush is about seizing and congealing power and preempting democracy. No president has so disgracefully fallen to the level of impeachment.


Glynn Kalara said...

I just e-mailed that story too a wingnut pal of mine. The depths of this gangs hypocrisy is maddening! Imagine the smile on Putin's face being lectured on Dictatorships by Rice! Pathetic!

Jim Sande said...

They seem hopelessly unaware of their own actions. Its like the old crone looking in the mirror and thinking the reflection is a 20 year old.

Glynn Kalara said...

They all exist in this bubble of unreality they have created. Inside it from their pt. of view they have done only wonderful things. Everyone that disagrees with them is somehow either deluded or evil. I keep up a conversation with a few of my old friends who still exist within this bubble. One of its features is a complete inability to demonstrate any empathy. They simply cannot see other people's pts. of view as being valid or for that matter existing at all. Its a totalitarian mindset. Frightening to observe.