Monday, June 02, 2008

Youtube McCain Problem

The "real McCain" is going after the Republican Presidential candidate.

In all fairness, I have yet to see a major politician not get caught in a tangle of their own words.

There is an art to crafting a clip that demonstrates a politicians alleged flip flop, or outright lie, or as it is politically correct to say - he or she "mis-spoke" etc etc.

So I post this not so much with a bitter vengeance to go after McCain. Having said that, there is one particular segment of this clip that I still am embarrassed for McCain.

That has to do with his "walk" through the streets of Baghdad. McCain alleges all is great and open and cool. I found it to be a case where the desired result versus the reality did not converge and so McCain chose to recreate reality in his own preferred image. Baghdad is a mess. McCain's comments really bugged me, and many others, many.

McCain walks the fine city's streets with a virtual flotilla of protection. If you or I did the same, i.e. walked the streets of Baghdad, how long would we last, presuming we don't get the benefit of the same flotilla of protection?

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