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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ruined Corn Fields = Higher Food Prices

We already know how higher fuel costs are affecting food prices. And we know that with food price inflation things like food stamps buy even less, especially if the food stamp allotment is fixed.

Well it gets a little bit worse especially for corn fed animal food like beef, chicken, and pork, but it also includes milk, cheese, and eggs. The flooding in the Midwest ruined a few million acres of corn. Well you know what happens when a commodity becomes scarcer. Exactly, it gets more expensive.

So now farmers are going to be paying even more for feed. That translates into higher food prices for animal related food.

As I eat little to no meat that aspect of inflation is less of a problem, but it still hurts seeing yogurt and cheese become luxury items.

Record corn prices mean more expensive meat, dairy

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