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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mission Exponentially Mis-Accomplished

The list of governmental reports exposing or condemning poor judgment, missteps, inadequacies in planning, and overall incompetence in the handling of the Iraq debacle is long.

A new military report points out more flaws in the post - "mission accomplished" period.

Many of us did not support the invasion from the very beginning. We understood that the 'evidence' was flimsy, and the momentum to war was eerily reminiscent of something more akin to fascist states than it was to democratic republics. We are and were correct.

The reports that condemn the mis-handling of the war/occupation on one hand lend credibility to the war itself because they do not point out the essential and flawed reasoning that brought the war about in the first place. Like John Kerry, they merely condemn its management.

Regardless, the overall effect highlights the general incompetence of the Bush administration. We become keenly aware of a highly flawed individual, posturing to put a happy face on a monumental tragedy of incalculable proportions.

Reuters: U.S. Army history slams post-invasion Iraq plan: report
"I can remember asking the question during our war gaming and the development of our plan, 'Okay, we are in Baghdad, what next?' No real good answers came forth," Col. Thomas G. Torrance, the commander of the Third Infantry Division's artillery, said in the report


Anonymous said...

Its all part of the new paradigm of "disaster Capitalism." BV$H and his gang looked at how the old Soviet system was taken over by gangsters and disaster capitalists from within and without during the 90's and realized it was the perfect model for smashing states and completely gutting them from the inside out.Iraq was the test bed for these neo-colonialist theories. Its all called by another name THEFT.

Jim Sande said...

GK I bought Naomi Klein's book a while back and I opened it once - I am embarrassed to admit. But I want to read it, I've listened to her talks on Democracy Now and such. I will dust it off.