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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Breaking with His Tradition

Reuters; Iran nuclear issue can be solved diplomatically: U.S.
Asked whether Israeli officials were pressuring the administration to take military action against Iran before Bush leaves office, Perino said: "This is a rumor that I hear quite a lot from reporters being brought to us, and what I can tell you is President Bush believes that we can solve this issue diplomatically, and that everyone's preference is to solve it diplomatically, not just here in the United States but with our allies and certainly with Israel."
This is strange. Bush has spent the last 7.5 years saying that the US does not talk with "the enemy."

The problem is, we hear this sort of quote coming from the White House spokesperson and we become even more suspicious.

The reports have been very wide on Iran lately. Most have determined that Bush bombs Iran, it is the reason why that seems to change.

We have Kristol saying Bush bombs Iran if Obama becomes the next President. Then we have Ray McGoovern with his deep operative connections saying that bombing Iran is a done deal. Ritter agrees, then the Israelis stage pre-attack war games.

Naturally the neo-cons and McCain want war with Iran as well. That is a given.

Recapping, the economy is tanking. Greenspan says we are on the verge of a recession. Many believe the recession is already here. The stock market has many more losers than winners. Inflation continues and is now exacerbated by crop damage due to flooding in the Midwest. Iraq is going nowhere, fast. Afghanistan is sinking and attacks are up.

Yet, Iran is on the radar. Makes sense to me, in a screwy kind of way.

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