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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Presidential Poll - June 25

LA Times: Obama holds 12-point lead over McCain, poll finds
Buoyed by enthusiasm among Democrats and public concern over the economy, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has taken a sizable lead over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at the opening of the general election campaign for president, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

In a two-man race between the major-party candidates, registered voters chose Obama over McCain by 49% to 37% in the national poll, conducted Thursday through Monday.

On a four-man ballot that included independent candidate Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr, voters chose Obama over McCain by 48% to 33%.
The poll indicates that Obama has a greater margin with Barr and Nader in the race.

We welcome Bob and Ralph into the fold. Nader's campaign is in full swing. Bob Barr is committed.

May I suggest you make your contributions to either Nader or Barr to help secure their candidacies and to help boost Obama's lead over McCain.

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