Friday, June 13, 2008

Big Oil Leased Land Untouched

This report was all over NPR today.

Turns out big oil already has some 68 million acres of domestic land and water rights leased in order to drill for oil.

So why do they need to go into the Alaskan wilderness.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey of NY's 22 district is trying to introduce legislation that will force big oil to simply drill in existing leased land masses.

He claims its a deliberate scheme to drive up the price of oil by not tapping domestic resources and increasing the demand on imported oil.

Hinchey, House Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Force Big Oil To Produce On Already Leased Land
“With nearly 68 million acres of on-shore and off-shore public land already leased for oil and gas drilling untouched by the energy companies who hold those leases, it's time for Republicans and oil company executives to stop making the false claim that the U.S. is not making enough land available for energy production,” Hinchey said. “Oil corporations are trying to take control of as much land now during the oil-friendly Bush administration years, but are holding off on drilling to help drive up the price of oil to $200 or $300 a barrel so that they can make even greater profits. By stalling energy production, these major energy corporations are cheating the American people out of a domestic oil and natural gas supply, causing prices to unfairly and unnecessarily soar at the pump. The federal government has made tens of millions of acres available for oil and gas development. It's the energy companies that are refusing to produce and now we will make them pay if they continue to refuse to increase our domestic supply.”

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