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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jellyfish Update

Remember the story about the jellyfish invasion that wiped out a salmon farm in Northern Ireland. That was back in November 07. Here's the latest on those jellyfish.

From the BBC: Ferry study of jellyfish 'threat'
Scientists have posted jellyfish spotters on Irish Sea ferries to study a breed with a painful sting which could swarm along the Welsh coastline.

Known as pelagia noctiluca, they have a wasp-like sting and glow in the dark.

This was the first major infestation of the mauve stingers affecting British waters and scientists suspect that global warming is probably the principle cause.


Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe its global warming, but I think a school of these same Jelly fish disguised as Democratic Congress creatures have taken up residence in DC. as well.

Jim Sande said...

If only they could figure out they have stingers, they wouldn't be quite so worthless and spineless.

Glynn Kalara said...

The problem is their intended victims know they have stingers and can easily get out of their way. Jelly fish are pretty lacking when it comes to motivation.