Monday, March 29, 2010

Tempting Brain

Some of the latest discoveries and speculations are highly intriguing. They seem to get at more nuanced areas of interest.

Fatty food is addictive, aint that the truth. Now the seat of temptation in the brain is identified and the area that resists temptation as well. Now if I could just get my left lateral prefrontal cortex to resist tempting fatty food, I could get down to my ideal weight.

Live Science: Seat of Temptation Found in the Brain
..thank a region of your brain just above the left ear.

...when this brain region, called the left lateral prefrontal cortex, is impaired, people are more likely to choose immediate yet smaller rewards over larger rewards that won't come until later.


Ed said...

Ick! Probably that cheap raspberry filling.

Jim Sande said...

Its a sculpture