Thursday, March 25, 2010

Disaster Bill

From a deep operative -

Robert E. Prasch, Professor of Economics at Middlebury College, has penned a reality check article on the HCR bill.

I'm not sure the bill will destroy the Democratic Party, they will lose seats, always do in a midterm election. We shall see.

New Economic Perspectives: Think the Democrats Just Scored One For the Little Guy? Think Again
Stated simply, the Democrats have decided to go into the business of being the "enforcers" of the big insurance firms.

...this bill is a disaster, and it is worse than nothing, as it will destroy the incomes of those it purports to help along with the Democratic Party. It is especially bad since a public option was always an option, I do not believe the D.C. spin on this for even a minute. Just as Obama never wanted to renegotiate NAFTA or leave Iraq, it was clear from the outset that the White House never wanted a public option...

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