Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Penalties For No Insurance

The HCR bill establishes penalties for people without insurance. Exactly how crazy is that? People don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. So let's throw insult onto injury and penalize them for not having enough money for insurance, we'll impose a monetary fine. Who comes up with this stuff?

You would think that given the massive recession that we are still in the midst of, with millions of people losing homes and jobs, that some sense of understanding of what it means to be flat out busted broke would set in. Nope, its like rubbing a boulder with a feather. The Democrats fell asleep at the wheel many times on this lousy bill, here they went into a coma.

These penalties will push some people into the homeless and living on the street class.

CNN: Some may face penalty for shunning health insurance
An adult who does not have health insurance by 2014 would be penalized $95 or 1 percent of income, whichever is greater, so long as the amount does not exceed the price tag of a basic health plan. But by 2016, the penalty increases to $695 for an uninsured adult, and up to $2,085 per household, or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is greater.

A person would also be penalized only if he or she went more than three months of the year without insurance.

Some people are exempt from the new law. If a person's income is below a certain level, or if the cheapest insurance would cost 8 percent of the person's income, no penalty would apply for lack of coverage.


Glynn Kalara said...

The CORE of this whole shoddy deal was THE FORCED MANDATE like they have in Mass. Terrible idea to fine people because they are supposedly "free loaders" as the Ins. companies and the proponents of this awful mandate call them. It's really an insult to tell someone Hey you your a loser because u can't afford our awful high priced crap and because of that were going to fine you! It's really Extortion or as the mob called it a Protection racket. the Ins. Industry hates these people because they show up at the Emerg. room get paid for by the State and they get cut out of their fees. That's the real reason for the mandate not because these folks are free loaders. It's because the Ins. companies are greedy and want a cut of that money the State has to pay to the hospital. Do you ever hear anyone on any of the talk shows give that pt. of view? NOT. It's just more balming the victims of a for profit system that feeds on misery and denying care. The State wants to dump these people into lousy policies that they are forced to buy so the then the Ins. companies can deny them care and the State can wash their hands of them. The State is lazy and doesn't want to deal with any of this. Thats the real reason why Obama and the cartels struck a deal . The dems. are getting kick backs plus nice cozy jobs working for BIG health when they retire with their HUGE Gov't pensions and benefits. Sweet deal isn't it? We don't call it Crony Capitalism for nothing.

Ed said...

What about this? They should pay a penalty because they go to the emergency room instead of a doctor? Which adds up to a gazillion dollars a year more.

You're right though, reform that leaves the insurance companies in charge is not reform. The insurance companies are the grand piano in the mousetrap.

The task is to build a better mousetrap, but oh by the way and don't forget the design has to include a grand piano.

Glynn Kalara said...

We'll NEVER IMO get a better mouse trap because the Insurance Industry claims it OWNS the mouse trap patent rights and both parties agree. Who owns the marketplace itself is an interesting idea in of itself. I believe WE THE PEOPLE do within the US anyway not either party or any group or person. Obama has acted like a Dictator here and by fiat and a pen said the Insurance companies now OWN the Health care marketplace and everyone is now obligated to play in their sand box or else get whacked. It's really the start down a very very slippery slope and using the Commerce clause to justify this is bogus. The Commerce clause says NOTHING about Forcing someone to buy someone's elses products. To the contrary it says the opposite in that regard. When Whites wouldn't serve Blacks in the Sout back in the 60's the US used the Commerce clause to force them to NOT SELL their products to people based on race. It said U cannot sell your products to ONLY white people or ONLY any race just because of their race. This is the opposite this is an Industry FORCING everyone to buy it's products based on the claim that if they don't and they get sick it somehow effects everyone because we all then have to pay their freight. The flaw in the logic isn't that it isn't true that we all pay right now , we do but through the STATE as a TAX. If the Gov't goes in front of the courts and claims the fines are in fact a tax then for what? A tax for what Gov't service? For the Gov't as collection agency for a Private Corp.? Never been done before , except maybe the US marines for United Fruit. You see where this is going? The same kind of Imperial law will now be levied against Americans inside America. So much for a REPUBLIC with a Constitution.