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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Maverick, Authoritarian, and Gambler

There is a brand new New York Times article that is going to throw a lot of cold water on the McCain campaign.

The merde storm will hit the waves shortly with a strong rebuttal from the McCain camp that the NY Times is attempting to discredit the long time public servant and war hero. Charges of partisanship, cronyism, lying, and scoundrel behavior will also be leveled at the paper.

I suspect this story will have some legs. It won't be the sort of thing that puts the McCain campaign in jeopardy, but it will create a gash especially to those in the religious right that would find this story scandalous. The good news for McCain is that group does not read the NY Times and the newspaper itself is loathed by that faction.

NY Times: McCain and Team Have Many Ties to Gambling Industry
A lifelong gambler, Mr. McCain takes risks, both on and off the craps table.

Mr. McCain portrays himself as a Washington maverick unswayed by special interests, referring recently to lobbyists as “birds of prey.” Yet in his current campaign, more than 40 fund-raisers and top advisers have lobbied or worked for an array of gambling interests — including tribal and Las Vegas casinos, lottery companies and online poker purveyors.

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