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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Human Testing? Bush signs new rules, roles for spy agencies
The executive order maintains the decades-old prohibitions on assassination and human testing
This tiny announcement is jammed packed with information to parse in the days, weeks, and years to come. This is a bullion cube. We are already extremely wary of this thing.

Assassination? Human Testing? Does torture count as human testing? Does reducing a person to a mumbling vegetable count as assassination? Its just the tip of the iceberg.


Glynn Kalara said...

I watched the whole THE TUDORS series on showtime over the last 3 weeks. It was a veiled attack on the BV$H regime in many ways. The producers wanted people too see how confessions were tortured from people for political purposes. This is what we've returned too, or did we ever really leave it? I suspect torture has been going on right along at some levels of the Gov't. It's just that now it's been brought forward out of dark shadows.

Jim Sande said...

People need to keep up the pressure and we need to keep making a huge stink out of it. The things these thugs did in different prisons, this stuff must stop. As bad as 9-11 was, there is no excuse. Its not that Bush is a bad president in our eyes, its that he no longer has any credibility at all. Its like he's running on empty. I would bet that the 30 per centers don't even trust Bush anymore, they just are hanging onto party loyalties. In that sense Bush could be anybody.

Glynn Kalara said...

Your wrong about the 30% they love the guy because he takes a stand & never changes. There are people like the fundies that think life is some kind of black and white morality play they learned in church. They like BV$H cannot handle nuance or diversity. OBAMA is the living embodiment of both.
Reality is now fas t catching with the US. and amanmy of us will pay the price dearly for it when it arrives.