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Friday, February 08, 2008

Tortured Commission

Listeners to Democracy Now on Thursday morning were floored when a brand new revelation clearly came forward.

The 9-11 Commission based a good part of its information on the testimony of a few captured Al Qaeda members. That's fine except the testimony came forward through torture. They are now saying the torture was waterboarding.

The 9/11 Commission & Torture: How Information Gained Through Waterboarding & Harsh Interrogations Form Major Part of 9/11 Commission Report

The explanations for 9-11 are still very fishy. This throws more fish onto the problem.

I still don't get why Building 7 comes down. All obvious visual evidence gives it the appearance of a controlled demolition.

The ugliest single attack on American soil in the history of the nation is still ripe with the basic questions, who, why, how, and there's quite of bit of 'what' as well.

The only clear answer is when - 9-11.


Glynn Kalara said...

Na, Bldg. 7 was severely damaged when the north tower fell. I saw a show all about why 7 fell and it showed why with computer drawings and explanations from the engineers that studied the Towers collapse and 7's. No conspiracy no demolition. Hell half the Arab world believes Israeli pilots did the whole thing and that the terrorists were really Mossad agents. People won't to desperately believe nonsense sometimes if it confirms and conforms to their delusional world-view.

Jim Sande said...

This is the famous quote from Silverstein the owner of Building 7

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

He says he decided to 'pull' the building, 'pull' is the construction term for controlled demolition.

He said it. Its very suspicious.

Glynn Kalara said...

Not so easy t pull it under those circumstances. Controlled demolitions are complicated very involved procedures that take months to plan. I doubt the owner just called the demo guys to "pull" it down like u call a plumber to clear a clogged drain. I had a Muslim associate of mine at work ( when I worked for Lockheed) tell me that the Trade Towers we're really the home of the Int'l Zionist Conspiracy to take over the world etc...

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, but... why did he say that then.

I can't explain why he said what he said. I assume he's an extremely sharp guy if he's a wealthy real estate mogul. Maybe his elevator doesn't make it up to the top floor. Was he in shock and hallucinating.