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Monday, February 11, 2008

Terror Trends

From July 2007: Sharp Decline in Support for Suicide Bombing in Muslim Countries
Among the most striking trends in predominantly Muslim nations is the continuing decline in the number saying that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilians are justifiable in the defense of Islam. In Lebanon, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Indonesia, the proportion of Muslims who view suicide bombing and other attacks against civilians as being often or sometimes justified has declined by half or more over the past five years.

Wide majorities say such attacks are, at most, rarely acceptable. However, this is decidedly not the case in the Palestinian territories. Fully 70% of Palestinians believe that suicide bombings against civilians can be often or sometimes justified, a position starkly at odds with Muslims in other Middle Eastern, Asian, and African nations.
Perhaps this is so in the countries outlined in the graph and its welcome news. But missing from the graph are Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

I like Pew Global, the reports they generate are interesting. I don't quite get this one. Perhaps its too dangerous to get data from Iraq because there are too many suicide bombers, just a thought.

CNN Feb.10, 2008: Suicide bomber kills 25 in Iraqi market

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