Saturday, February 02, 2008

Friday Night Perplexity

Unusually interesting news stories appear regularly on Friday nights, while most people are not watching the news.

AP: US Envoy: Iran Gained From US Invasions
Iran is stronger today because of the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the American ambassador to the United Nations said Friday.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq removed a key rival of Shiite Iran with the ouster of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated government. Iran has friendly ties with the Shiites now in power in Iraq.

"It's helped Iran's relative position in the region, because Iraq was a rival of Iran ... and the balance there has disintegrated or weakened," Zalmay Khalilzad said..."And so one of the objectives of Iran, in my view, is to discourage a reemergence of Iraq as a balancer. And Afghanistan, too, the change was helpful to Iran."
Wasn't it just a few nights ago in Bush's State of the Union, that the threat of Iran was emphasized again.

How does the administration square itself with being responsible for indirectly assisting the country, Iran, that it now judges to be the biggest threat in the world.

This remark, which comes directly from the administration, works in drawing serious questions about the administration's capability to oversee its own agenda. The administration wants to undermine Iran, yet its policies assist Iran. The administration seems to work at cross purposes.

This is all old news. Most news readers have been well aware of this power shift towards Iran as a result of shock and awe. Now we have the administration expressing this consensus, however this ultimately confuses their own purposes. Its a hard pill to swallow.


Glynn Kalara said...

You weren't listening friend. What he said was IRAN will be our next target. Since we are now in Iraq and we are the power now not Saddam, we have to replace what we destroyed ( Iraq) as a counter-balance to Iranian ambitions. After Iran is run by some of our lackeys, then we'll turn on the Saudis again and stick a gun in their faces as well as our (sic) Gulf buddies. Remember countries don't have friends they only have "interests" is how these guys think. ( THEIR interests) Truth is all these places have is OIL to sell and whether or not we were their they'd be selling it on the world market to somebody. But Exxon /Mobil, Gulf, and the rest of the seven sisters want all this oil back in "THER" hands like it was in 1960. They've been angling for this now for nearly 45 yrs. and they will not stop till they reach their goal.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I agree, his talk was intended to train the gun on Iran. All I try to do is point out the obvious, stuff that I never read in the MSM.

The administration is still focussed on Iran. Bush ignored the NIE, all his stumps say the same thing.

Here's the thing. The GDP is down to 0.6 with a recession in sight. This recession is occurring during a full scale war. Usually America goes to war to get out of a recession. Not so this time, just the opposite. Tax cuts to the rich, inflation, the mortgage crisis, all of that is going on while we borrow money to finance Iraq.

Now we go into Iran. Iran is a sophisticated country unlike Iraq. Iran actually has weapons and a military etc. And they are more culturally connected than Iraq will ever be. They have some conflicts but not like Iraq.

One question is, how do they pay for a war with Iran while we can't pay for the present one, and the country is in a recession to boot. This is pure societal suicide.

Some would say it already is societal suicide the way Bush has handled it all. I would. You would too.

What is amazing is that in spite of all of this, Bush and co including the UN ambassador push against Iran.

What is the idea, are they out to completely destroy the middle class. I don't get it, why is that desirable to these thieves.

Glynn Kalara said...

A mass of poor desperate losers is easier to control from their lofty vantage on the hill of loot they have amassed these last 40 yrs. A healthy middle class is only good for a democracy. get it? They hate democracy so the best way to get rid of it is to destroy the middle class. At least thats their view. My Mobil oil association ( not really a friend) told me as much this summer. He said from his pt. of view why should his vote be worth the same as a bunch of losers? he wants a Corp. state just like Mobil oil. In a Corp. state ist how many shares u own that counts not votes. He feels elections for offices should be like Corp. board elections and we all know how that works don't we. But, think about it Sande isn't that really the system we now have to some degree? Only the rich and their friends and Corp. buddies can
"afford" to run a campaign for anything beyond a House seat these days. The "poor" have NEVER had any 'real" representation at any level. We don't live in a democracy and soon the Republic will be history as well if it already isn't anyway.

People don't realize that Rome retained its Republican form outwardly for centuries after The Empire arrived ( Imperators: meaning in Latin one among many). The Emperor was really just another senator in fact they actually ran for office in senatorial elections for 100 yrs. after the Empire was already in existence. Thats the system were already in and its going to just get more and more unfair and plutocratic all the time now.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, you are right again. Its hard for me to get my head around the movement to fascism and total corporate/privatization. I reject it so fundamentally.

But yes, the signs are all around. Bush just cut entitlements again. Bush is violating constitutional law after law, eavesdropping, torture, signing statements, elective war.

9-11 was a boon to these guys in all respects. Fear is the tool they use to rush in and make harsh changes.

The media helps to perpetuate it all, and the entertainment media also helps, it creates a numbing paralysis.

The stresses and pressures also keep everybody pointing in the wrong direction. How can you stay on top of Bush's actions when you're facing those stresses.

I don't have the answers.