In 2000, I was furious at Nader's run. In 2004 I was horrified and distressed that he would interfere with usurping the hideous neo-conservative administration of Bush, I cursed Nader as I held my nose and voted for Kerry. This year I may very well be voting for Nader regardless of the Democratic candidate, Clinton or Obama, and more than likely Obama. Time and reading progressive articles for the past several years has turned me into a complete shit head.
Will I be openly campaigning for Ralph and trying to convince you or anyone else to vote for him - oh god, hell no. I don't care if he ends up with .05% of the vote, and he very well might. You see, prior to Ralph's announcement, I was not planning to vote, at least for the presidency, and I always vote, I take it seriously.
I simply don't hear anybody saying the things I want to hear. I don't hear anybody rejecting the imperial presidency. I don't hear anybody wanting to drastically cut the grossly inflated military budget, its not even something that can be questioned let alone changed. I don't hear anybody talking about the miserable influence and control that corporations exert on our lives. I could change my mind, November is a ways off.
Breitbart: Nader Announces New Run for President
Ralph Nader said Sunday he will run for president as a third-party candidate, criticizing the top White House contenders as too close to big business and pledging to repeat a bid that will "shift the power from the few to the many."God help us.
Nader, 73, said most people are disenchanted with the Democratic and Republican parties due to a prolonged Iraq war and a shaky economy. The consumer advocate also blamed tax and other corporate-friendly policies under the Bush administration that he said have left many lower- and middle-class people in debt.
Willow and Meadowsweet
Willow Meadowsweet compound is an effective analgesic i.e. pain reliever, without the effects of aspirin. Apparently it is similar to aspirin in chemical composition.
Its a mild pain reliever, I've tried it and it works. Fortunately I know some wise professional people that have knowledge of herbal remedies and can make appropriate recommendations.
Uses: This compound can give relief from many kinds of pain, and often is able to eliminate some pains completely. Indicated in neuralgia, myalgia, enteralgia and visceralgia, headache, toothache, arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, painful spasms, pain of physical injuries, painful hemorrhoids, tic-douloureux, dysmenorrhœa (painful menstruation), etc.Agism, Sexism, Racism
Although this compound often works well, it can only do so much with severe pain, and stronger analgesics may be necessary.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational and research purposes only. It is not intended to medically prescribe or promote the sale of any product, nor is it intended to replace qualified medical healthcare. If you have, or think you have a condition which requires medical attention, you should promptly seek qualified healthcare.
MSNBC: McCain’s age part of choice of running mate?
When it comes to senators hoping to make history with their presidential bids, Hillary Rodham Clinton (who would be the first woman to be president) and Barack Obama (who would be the first black president) are not the only ones. John McCain, 71, is hoping to become the oldest candidate ever elected to a first term in the White House.What about Jeb Bush? As absurd as it sounds, I bet some conservative insider hack is chewing that one over.
...who would be the best fit for the (McCain) ticket. Quite a few of the names being bandied about are those of politicians in their 40s and 50s, including Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, 47; Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, 51, whose well-timed endorsement helped Mr. McCain win the crucial swing-state’s primary; Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, 47; and Rob Portman, 52, a former Ohio congressman and director of the Office of Management and Budget.
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