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Friday, November 04, 2016


Guardian UK: 'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say - Highly unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton intensified after James Comey’s decision not to recommend an indictment over her use of a private email server


Glynn Kalara said...

The so-called private email server issue is just what it is a J walking offense elevated into a scandal by a politically motivated FBI and Republican-dominated Congress. The same things were done during the 8 yrs. of the BV$H Presidency and it was NEVER an issue. Masses of emails were destroyed ( 100S of thousands) and private email servers were everywhere in the BV$H gang. No problemo , only now it's an issue.

Jim Sande said...

I listen to Trump's speeches and I hear him yell out - '30,000 thousands emails', and then no other context. It's like you put Clinton + emails together and there is an automatic assumption that crookedness and evil and subterfuge are occurring. They have quite literally weaponized the word email. It's just a fucking email for crying out loud.

Glynn Kalara said...

Emails are being destroyed as a way to communicate among the elites. Not sure if that's good or bad? Maybe, they'll go back to sending each other handwritten coded letters by private courier?

Jim Sande said...

Ha! - personal, insured, weapons carrying letter carriers.