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Friday, November 04, 2016

Global Warming - U.S. Electric Car Charging Corridors

Climate Central: U.S. Designates Electric Vehicle Charging Corridors by Bobby Magill


Glynn Kalara said...

The energy sector PTB are now pushing to turn the clock back and to destroy as much of the building alt. energy sector as possible. These are the same creeps that bloviate endlessly about free markets. The reality is they no more want free markets than the Big health Ins. Corps do or the Big Pharma or Big Tel-Com , or Big Banks. It's McGovern's 1972 prediction come true, we now have a system where it's Socialism (protected Monopolies) for the rich and Capitalism ( vicious competition ) for the poor. Just like every other third world country on Earth.

Jim Sande said...

What you are describing is in my opinion why Putin is backing Trump. Trump is all about pro-oil. Russia is falling apart and with oil in the dumpster price-wise, Russia's in trouble meaning Putin is in trouble. Putin wants Trump because Trump represents oil.