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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Plus 2.3 Million

MSNBC: Clinton's popular vote lead now over 2.3 million


Glynn Kalara said...

It doesn't matter. He'll govern like he's an Emperor and has already convinced himself that he actually won the popular vote because of all the illegal votes she got. He has no proof but when did that ever get in his way. The reality in Trumplandia is what he says it is.

Jim Sande said...

If he really truly thinks that, he won the popular vote as well, then he's just plain old around the bend.

Glynn Kalara said...

My guess is that he has convinced himself of this because he can't allow the idea of any loss associated with his election. I already see this idea being spread around the rightwing echo chamber as if its a fact. Proof isn't required for it to be a fact there. In fact, if the liberal media is saying it's a falsehood what more proof do they need then it must be true. Lock her up!! Lock her up!! We've entered the world of BIGLY Brother now. A new enemy will be provided shortly stay tuned!