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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ryan Aims To Gut Medicare

Salon: Paul Ryan has Medicare in the crosshairs: Ryan’s been gunning to kill the program for years — and he senses his moment - Using the proposed repeal of Obamacare as bogus cover, Ryan is making a move to gut the immensely popular Medicare by Gary Legum


Glynn Kalara said...

He might get away with it, maybe , but it will come back to bite him and the rest of them big time. It's a huge mistake and will be wildly unpopular. If the GOP thought Obamacare was a bad mistake just wait till they take Medicare away as well. They will do a similar thing in a yr. with Abortion, they'll remove it say its going back to the States but it won't it will be banned by law Nationally and so will contraceptives Imperial overreach yes. Will they care NO. These are Authoritarians not Republicans and Democrats. Were in the hands of White Nationalist and their Religious right ( Dominionists) pals and this is not going to end nicely. Prepare for Civil strife then military rule and then Civil War. People are going to fight back they can't trust that the military won't split as well. :(

Jim Sande said...

Exactly, it is not a popular idea to go after SSI and Medicare. Ryan is obsessed with Ayn Rand, he's wanted this from day one. I believe the majority of seniors voted for Trump, go figure.

Ed said...

There's an article in the London review that ends with this comment:

"Consider the working-class voters whom the Clintons or the Blairs exhorted to vote for them in the 1990s: they are probably worse off now than they were then. In effect the Clintons and Blairs surfed on their grievances and inequities, making themselves rich and leaving their voters in the dust. This hasn’t gone unnoticed, which is one reason the old politics is no longer working."

ok the old politics isn't working, but who would have thought it would lead to right wing authoritarianism? It's supposed to lead to workers revolt against fatcats. Instead of that we get a fatcat for president.

Jim Sande said...

I would adjust the article to now include Trump as the present one to surf on their grievances and inequities and leaving his voters in the dust. One of Trump's more egregious deficits entering his presidency will be his inability to change the rust belt in any way whatsoever. After 4 to 8 years, the rust belt will be rustier and poorer.