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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

TRNN - Chris Hedges, Trump Will Crush Dissent With Even Greater Violence And Savagery


Glynn Kalara said...

I hope he's wrong , but I fear he's going to be right. As this Admin. starts to fail and fail badly they're going to scapegoat "others" and start the round ups. tRumpf won't be shy the way GWBV$H and Obama were. The Velvet gloves are off. It's going to be rm. 101 for anyone who resists. Guys like Hedges are best advised to leave now before they're grabbed. If the Christie approach to governing is any idea of what's coming expect Emergencies to be declared some out of the blue and whatever rights we have suspended for the duration ( maybe forever.) The American Republic has failed it's over, sorry Ben we couldn't manage to keep it.

Jim Sande said...

If anyone is looking for clues, look at how Trump dispelled protestors at his campaign rallies. 'Back in my day we beat the crap out of them', then his fans would beat the crap out out of them. I think it's likely that we are in for a period of protests and cracked skulls, along with people being hauled off. I hope it doesn't happen, but all preliminary signs point to it.