Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pope Makes Excuses

How quickly one can lose respect for an individual.

Here we have the Pope making excuses for pedophile priests.

The responsibility for your actions lie with you. This is one aspect of liberal thinking that it wrong. We can talk about context with all kinds of issues, but people make their own decisions. Whenever I see someone blaming their actions on the social context, I get steamed. Its called not accepting responsibility.

Live Science: Pope Blames 1970s Society for Pedophile Priests


Glynn Kalara said...

How much respect can one have for a guy who got his early training in human interaction from the Hitler Youth?

Jim Sande said...

Well that might not of been his choice. Some people do make turn arounds, too rare though. Senator Byrd I think was a good example.

Either way he's making excuses here no doubt because he believes the bigger picture is more important. Bad call on his part and it pisses me off.