Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hard Wired Politics Part 2

I think this article merits another look.

I was thinking about the premise of this study where conservatives and liberals may be politically hard wired - the shape of the brain resonating with the political affiliation.

It makes me think about FOX News in a different light. We are aware of the study that indicates that FOX News viewers are less informed as a result of viewing FOX. This is perplexing to many of us. Certainly it is frustrating and unhelpful.

If the study were to hold up and it turns out that conservatives do have a larger part of the brain associated with fear then FOX makes much more "sense." The idea is that FOX is not providing news but is providing fear as if it were a consumable and needed quantity for a particular viewer. The viewer doesn't go to FOX to be informed, they go to get their fear activated which is central to their brain makeup. One thing you must admit, FOX may not provide factual news, but they do provide fear.

Its a stretch, and I am searching here.

Any thoughts?

Telegraph UK: Political views 'hard-wired' into your brain
...a study that suggests people with right wing views have a larger area of the brain associated with fear.


Ed said...

Love the picture

Jim Sande said...

Okay okay, I still think its a possible angle.