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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Optimism For 2011

We are well aware that employment and the lack thereof remains a huge thorn in the economic recovery process. For many of us, the recession persists. Also, we are reading that our homes continues to lose value. In my area the market is saturated, and prices seem to be slightly stable. I spoke with someone just last night who told me they got an offer for their house that was significantly lower than the expected value of the house. People are accepting less money in order to sell. It is a buyers market.

Its important that we not only read the articles that expect lots of doom and give us warnings but also the slightly optimistic articles as well.

This CNN article is surprisingly bullish in sentiment citing four key aspects of the ordinary economy that are positive.

CNN: Four reasons for optimism in the 2011 economy
...a rise in the average workweek might suggest that sustained job growth is in the horizon. investment in capital equipment rebounded in November.

Real money supply – the amount of money in circulation measured in traveler's checks, savings deposits, currency, money market accounts and the like – has increased...

...stock prices have surged.


Glynn Kalara said...

None of these matter for people without jobs.

Jim Sande said...

They are saying that there is a rise in the number of hours worked in a week. They are spinning this to suggest that corporations need more hours and that they are trending towards hiring. I certainly hope it plays out that way, its an optimistic perspective to be sure. Optimism and $50 cents gets you a bus ride.

On the other hand, this is the level we are at where journalists are trying to find positive spin with little to go on.

After watching this stuff closely for the last two years, the pit of the recession, I personally think there will be more jobs in the next year.

Its not going to come from the government. The government is going to be even more ineffective and tied up with the new Congress as you and I know.

Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP is an organized hate group. They hate working people.