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Monday, March 17, 2008

Measured Dissonance

The two party system strikes me as being very inadequate.

I think, the country could really use several parties. I know they already exist, but I am talking about 'viable' parties. I'm not sure the Greens and the Libertarians are viable, at least not yet. Yes, they have won a few elections here and there, and yes this is pessimistic thinking, but the gap between the dominant and smaller parties is enormous. Anyone can see that.

Having said that, and personally desiring to see more than two viable parties working out the business of governance, I am taking limited and measured pleasure of a very restrained and prudent nature in seeing the recent crumpling spasms of the war party err the Republican Party.

Are they deserving of such crumpling?

Its like a scene from a mob movie - "I mean no disrespect, your brother is a fine man, and he does his job, and I would never say anything bad about him, but Tony, he's a real ass####."

Republicans See Storm Clouds Gathering
"...You have a very unhappy electorate, which is no surprise, with oil at $108 a barrel, stocks down a few thousand points, a war in Iraq with no end in sight and a president who is still very, very unpopular. He's just killed the Republican brand."


Glynn Kalara said...

It couldn't die fast enough. The problem is however that the Demo. brand is almost just as faded at this pt. Years of gutless unprincipled ass kissing of these fascist bastards have severely weakened the D's as well. People will hold their noses this fall and vote for them but its not because any of us any longer believe they are anymore for "the people" then the Reptiles are, but whats the alternative?? Four more yrs. of the Reptiles and we'll all be living in cardboard houses , if we can even afford the cardboard by then?

Jim Sande said...

I agree, I actually may not even vote for the Dem ticket what the hell ever it will end up being.

I am probably going third party. Its rather depressing.

Glynn Kalara said...

IC sound ok too me. In NJ we don't have much of a choice. Our political system is in terminal decline. These days a two party system is a relic of a bygone era of buggy whips and whistle stops. We need a more nuanced political marketplace.