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Sunday, March 09, 2008



Bush is clearly demonstrating to the world that the US is no longer the champion of democracy, justice, and humanism.

Just the opposite, the US has joined the thug ranks of a gulag run by a messianic colonel destined to joined the lowest echelon of world leaders.

When you find people that support Bush on this issue, recognize that you are always suspect in their mind. Violence of this nature is a projection of one's own internal world. Approval of torture allows you to gain a glimpse into that internal world. It is an impoverished world.

AP: Bush to veto waterboarding bill
President Bush is poised to veto legislation that would bar the CIA from using waterboarding — a technique that simulates drowning — and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects.

"The bill would take away one of the most valuable tools on the war on terror..."
The tragedy continues.

If McCain comes to power, will he also approve of such measures. He is attempting to gain the approval of Republicans by looking the other way.

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