Tuesday, November 01, 2016

The Insult Candidate

Guardian UK: Republicans fear Trump's parade of insults might help cost him the election - 2016 could be a winnable election for the GOP, especially given Clinton’s continued email woes – yet all year Trump has lurched from one self-inflicted crisis to another


Glynn Kalara said...

Donald's going to lose in a week and then if I have him right, he'll try to sue to overturn the election on some kind of absurd grounds. Our democracy is under a concerted assault from the right. What they want is what they always prefer a stakeholders democracy where only property owners are allowed to vote. The idea of a mass democracy is paramount to theft as far as their concerned. The philosophical and political argument goes like this, why should a person of no means be able to with a vote redistribute the wealth of a person with means? It presumes that the politicians will pass laws like the Income tax laws that will do this and they see this as theft by vote. What they fail to understand is that the more wealth you have in essence the more services the State supplies you, an example. The wealthy pay more taxes true , but they also use say the airports more and these are taxpayer supported and built, they use the ports more same thing, they use the highways more again same thing and the list goes on and on. What they want is flat tax state where everyone no matters their level of wealth pays the same for these services. We see the result of that in States that do this and it's poverty and lots of it and lousy public services. Russia after the Soviets is this place. They went from one extreme where the State under State Communism owned everything and nobody owned anything beyond their clothes and other personal possessions. To a State with a flat tax and private ownership and now Russia has massive poverty with a tiny Oligarchic owned economy. Now it's a semi-Fascist State with nukes , instead of a semi-Communist Empire with nukes. Big change for the worse.
Our right wants to emulate Fascist Russia with tRumpf as our Putin.

Jim Sande said...

It's scary but what you say is true. One thing that we need to keep our eye on is this investigation into the Trump Russia connection. I'm going to post this - A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump - Has the bureau investigated this material? by David Corn