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Monday, November 07, 2016


Science Daily: Physicists demonstrate existence of 'unlikely' new subatomic structure
summary - Researchers have demonstrated the existence of a tetraneutron, a subatomic structure once thought unlikely to exist.


Glynn Kalara said...

We are obviously still missing BIG parts of the puzzle. For one thing, consider this one fact. because of the speed of light as compared to the actual size of the Universe when you look up at the night sky you looking into the deep past. We really have no idea of what the actual Universe ( in the NOW) looks like. It's a paradox, but it's a fact. The Universe might be teeming with extraterrestrial life even Intelligent extraterrestrial life , but we'd never know it, unless it's only a few hundred light yrs. away.

Jim Sande said...

I bet there are limitless life forms out there. I would suspect that there will be a lot of similarities between life on earth and extraterrestrial life.