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Friday, November 11, 2016

Naomi Klein On The Election

Guardian UK: It was the Democrats' embrace of neoliberalism that won it for Trump - People have lost their sense of security, status and even identity. This result is the scream of an America desperate for radical change by Naomi Klein


Glynn Kalara said...

It's 1933 Germany and this time around unlike 1933 America we chose the other guy with the phony hair not a mustache, but basically the same tag lines. This is not going to end well that much I can assure you.

Glynn Kalara said...

I don't totally agree with Klein's analysis of what happened for a few reasons. For one thing, let's remember Hillary won this election by 2 mil. votes and Gore in 2000 only lost because of one vote on the SCOTUS , so the Dems are losing but not because their message is dead or strictly because of neo-liberalism. Let's discuss neo-Liberalism for a moment and it's role in this. I agree, with her that all the bad trade deals of the last 45 yrs. starting with Nixon's visit to Peking in 1972 did enormous harm to America's working class and ultimately has had a major hand in destroying a once massive and vigorous Middle class , but I got news for her it's NOT coming back so easily and it's not just because of trade or Capitalism. It's also an artifact of a huge teeming population and the billions of people out here that are competing for fewer and fewer real jobs. Add to this technological leaps that have created massive factories that use very few humans to produce much of the goods we now buy. Maybe, the Luddites had it right after all. The machines owned by a few are transforming work and many are being left behind. It doesn't need to be this way of course and were I absolutely agree with her is that the only way to reverse some of this is a massive effort to redistribute the gains of the last 40 yrs. If this doesn't happen soon America is heading for third world status complete with an Orange colored Dictator and his military Junta, labor camps, and massive slums. I'd say were more than half the way there already. Trump and Trumpism is just a form of Neo-Fascism and a nasty ugly racist variety of it at that. The vitriol and hatred spewed out by him and his following the past yr. frankly, scares the crap out of me. How far off is a genuine pogrom against all the groups they loath? I see it here on the streets of the town I live in. Guys in pickups riding about with HUGE American flags and Confederate flags harassing anyone they don't like. His victory Tuesday night is just the beginning IMO. How we fight back this time is going to be interesting because I really believe this time these same people will not shrink from violence to get their way and Donald will egg them on now from the WH.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, someone said that the white lash people who voted for Trump should forget about blaming the trade deals. They should blame microchips, just as you say. There are guys in my town riding around in big pickup trucks with American flags waving in the back, mostly young guys. I live in a mostly white suburban area so it's rare to see the kind of harassment you are describing. But I am aware that it is happening and it has increased. These people are itching for a fight and feel supported by Trump. I think America is going to survive this, I really do. I think there's going to be resistance to Trump from the right and the left. Although it is more normal for the right to work in lockstep. The thing of it is, there are many on the right who hate Trump. Even Romney issued a decree saying that Trump will bring trickle down racism, I'm sure you saw that yesterday. There's going to be a battle, but he won't win in the long game, nope. The short game will be hellish. On the other hand look who he is installing in his cabinet. Sarah Palin? She is quite disliked by the right.

Glynn Kalara said...

Fascists smash the opposition and grind it under a hobnailed boot. Remember the image in Orwell's 1984 it was a hobnail booted stormtrooper endless smashing the face of a man. This is what we can expect from here on. He's encouraged and even boosted this kind of behavior.