Friday, April 01, 2016

The Endless Blunder

  Notice that everyone is starting to recognize Trump with "little evidence of forethought".

Guardian UK: Abortion remarks provoke biggest crisis of Donald Trump's campaign - Trump’s comments have the GOP suggesting he’s been unmasked as a conservative impostor, while Democrats say it’s evidence of his ‘war on women’
Trump blundered into it on Wednesday when, with little evidence of forethought, he said in a TV interview that abortion ought to be illegal and women who underwent such an illegal procedure should face “some sort of punishment”.


Glynn Kalara said...

He clearly hasn't a clue about most things beyond himself. He's a brand the same way Reagan was. His appeal is of a "STRONG MAN" etc. Confusing him with the facts doesn't effect his polling nos. that much. His following is fact averse.

Jim Sande said...

Yup, they are fact resistant, and also seem to have a hard time distinguishing between a decent human being and an infant in billionaire's clothing. I'm beginning to think he doesn't get the nomination because if anything his landslide loss would blow a tiny hole in his massive ego. He sort of needs that, poor sick puppy that he is. That's just an aside benefit.