Guardian UK: Abortion remarks provoke biggest crisis of Donald Trump's campaign - Trump’s comments have the GOP suggesting he’s been unmasked as a conservative impostor, while Democrats say it’s evidence of his ‘war on women’
Trump blundered into it on Wednesday when, with little evidence of forethought, he said in a TV interview that abortion ought to be illegal and women who underwent such an illegal procedure should face “some sort of punishment”.
He clearly hasn't a clue about most things beyond himself. He's a brand the same way Reagan was. His appeal is of a "STRONG MAN" etc. Confusing him with the facts doesn't effect his polling nos. that much. His following is fact averse.
Yup, they are fact resistant, and also seem to have a hard time distinguishing between a decent human being and an infant in billionaire's clothing. I'm beginning to think he doesn't get the nomination because if anything his landslide loss would blow a tiny hole in his massive ego. He sort of needs that, poor sick puppy that he is. That's just an aside benefit.
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