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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Union Buster Walker

Curious that the pro-union busting bill of Wisconsin's Gov. Walker is supported by the Tea Party.

I thought the Tea Party was for the little guy, for helping the little ordinary man. I feel so cheap, so used...

The Tea Party came out to support Walker's policy, and they were way over matched protest wise.

Interesting that the anti-bill protesters numbering in the tens of thousands seem to get the idea of contributing more to pensions and health care costs. The problem is they don't understand why Republican Walker wants to bust up their union.

No authoritarian politician is going to support a union. The union disrupts the top down non-democratic imperative of the authoritarian. Demands to maintain health care benefits, pensions, these things in themselves need to be removed at all costs from the authoritarian's point of view. Benefits are part of socialism, and unions harm the imperative for corporate privatization and sending as many jobs as possible to the country authoritarian flag waving jingo Republicans love best, Communist China.

After all if it weren't for the communists, most flag waving GOP authoritarian corporate types wouldn't be nearly as amazingly wealthy as they are now.

How about that, the GOP hates democracy, unions, benefits, education, pensions, woman's rights, but they are communist sympathizers. Go figure...

Reuters: Competing Wisconsin protests draw thousands
...officials put the combined total at 55,000 -- but no more than 5,000 of those appeared to be there for the rally backed by Tea Party groups...

"I'm just opposed to the bill. I have no problem contributing more to my healthcare and pension. I understand about the deficit, but some of the proposals are just about union busting."

"As bad as this is at the Wisconsin State level, it is far worse in about 20 states..."


Jim Sande said...

That is the key - the bottom line. They might as well cozy up to the mob and Central American drug gangs, probably some are in it up to their ears. Put away all the pretenses and just go out an rob people straight up at gun point.

Glynn Kalara said...

Ah yes, now you starting to understand what their fascination with the 2nd ad. is really all about!