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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


From a deep operative.

Really liking the sauna at the Y.
The basic idea of sauna therapy is to heat your body several degrees. Saunas can dramatically improve circulation and relieve internal congestion. It is also said that by heating the body it helps destroy bacteria, viruses and some tumors. In addition, it assists the body in detoxification by ridding harmful toxic metals and chemicals, radioactive particles, and other toxins.
The effects of a sauna session occur in two phases. The first phase, which usually is within the first ten minutes, induces light sweating as your body temperature remains approximately at basal level of 98.6 degrees. The body dissipates the extra heat by increasing circulation, shunting blood to the skin’s surface, and sweating.

The benefits of phase one of a sauna session include:

• Muscle relaxation, which leads to increased overall body relaxation
• Enhanced flexibility of tendons and ligaments
• Minor pain relief
• Improved oxygenation and dilating the peripheral blood vessels
• Relieving internal organ congestion

After about 10-30 minutes in the sauna, the body enters phase two. During this phase your body can no longer dissipate the heat of the sauna and your body temperature begins to rise. Your heart rate and sweating increase as blood is more forcefully shunted to the surface. Some of the greatest benefits occur during this phase, which include:

• Improved circulation due to the heart rate increase
• Increased body temperature is said to hasten the death of weaker cells

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