Robert Reich: The Republican Strategy
These three aspects of the Republican strategy – a federal budget battle to shrink government, focused on programs the vast middle class depends on; state efforts to undermine public employees, whom the middle class depends on; and a Supreme Court dedicated to bending the Constitution to enlarge and entrench the political power of the wealthy – fit perfectly together.
They pit average working Americans against one another, distract attention from the almost unprecedented concentration of wealth and power at the top, and conceal Republican plans to further enlarge and entrench that wealth and power.
What is the Democratic strategy to counter this and reclaim America for the rest of us?
The Demo. strategy is to make like their the party of the average American citizen at election time and the day after they're elected spend the next 2-8 yrs. carrying out the wishes of the wealthy and their Corp. entities.
We have two parties - the GOP right and the GOP extreme right.
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