Saturday, February 05, 2011

And Now, Something From The Deep

The sensitivity and caring is unbelievable. Unbelievable in the sense of the complete absence of sensitivity and caring. Then again, always go to the source.

I could see this meme catching on. For example, a murder victim would simply be dead with accusing circumstances. After all, he's dead, does it really matter what you call it, he sure doesn't care. He's dead.

A kidnap victim would be "on an unscheduled vacation requiring assistance."

Up is the new down.

Raw Story: Georgia Republican’s bill would reclassify rape victims as ‘accusers’


Ed said...


Jim Sande said...

Indeed it is. It is another piece in the dismantling of human rights which are part of a vibrant democracy. The more that the state controls the process including how it is even thought about, the further we move from democracy and the closer we get to full out fascism.