Monday, December 13, 2010


Just read where a federal judge ruled parts of HCR unconstitutional.

I say that's just fine.


Glynn Kalara said...

Really. here's the real deal. If it was so important to have a forced mandate to buy rotten private policies, it was also important enough to make it a tax and go to a Single payer system like most of the rest of the civilized world. As for the people that make a living with the predatory so called Health Ins. Ind. ( an oxymoron if there ever was one) f*ckem if they can't take a joke. But, oh no our Pres. didn't see it that way. Why? Because when they wheeled in the check from these pirates last yr. for 300 mil. in campaign cash. he basically lied to us and then sold us off to the highest bidder. He thinks we don't know it, that were a bunch of fucking retards. I hope he enjoys his one term.

Jim Sande said...

Same problem with SSI. I don't get it. All this talk about how its going bankrupt in 2037, cuts etc. So they cut SSI payroll tax through 2011 and say that it doesn't matter that they can fund it from "other" sources. Okay, so its going bankrupt, but now that there's a cut in payroll tax it, SSI, can easily be funded from another source. WTF?