Monday, December 13, 2010

Seniors In Poverty

It makes me furious to read about this study lined below.

This occurs in the context of a black man who is president, who appears to be quite willing to defund SSI, and with a majority of blacks and 30% of whites facing poverty level living as they become seniors.

Its a disgrace. This is a national disgrace.

Reuters: Many elderly in U.S. will face poverty: study
Nearly half of elderly Americans will face a future with at least one year below or close to the poverty line...

While 58 percent of those between 60 and 84 will at some point fail to have enough liquid assets to allow them to get through unanticipated expenses or declining income, African-Americans were found to be 2.4 times more likely to experience asset poverty.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's scary knowing the Gov't in DC is hostile to the old no matter what they say. They got their's is the attitude among the elite and they couldn't care less what happens to the rest of us.

Jim Sande said...

We have a government that does not represent the population. It just a bunch of millionaires in a very elite club.

Glynn Kalara said...

I agree. The system is rigged in the direction of Plutocracy these days. Rush Limbaugh's plaintive call to take the vote from the poor and unemployed the other day is where this is going. The Reich wing wants only the elite to have the right to vote. They actually believe that only GOPers should be allowed and only Gopers with property. Talk about out of touch with reality. Ed Schultz calls Rush the drugster and for good reason. God knows what the man is on these days, but he's nuts for sure. Nevertheless, he voices the thoughts and desires floating through the minds of the oligarchy and it's handmaidens and has to be taken seriously. If this kind of crazy shit starts to happen were in for some real nastiness.