Sunday, December 12, 2010

Romney Tops Obama

I am among the progressives who has lost my interest in Obama. It is his compromise position which cuts the payroll tax, i.e. cuts the percentage that goes into SSI through 2011, that has put me over the top. I suspect most progressives are unaware of this plan.

In this light, I am at present pessimistic about the 2012 election. It appears that on one side there will be a Republican like Romney who would work policy to the advantage of the wealthiest Americans. On the other side there will be Obama who is and will do the same thing - create policy that benefits those with elite incomes, the wealthiest of the wealthy, to the detriment of the middle class and the poor. One advantage to Romney is that at least he will be up front about it.

Who is standing up for the middle class and the poor in the House and Senate right now? Can you name more than 10 Senators that fit the bill.

McClatchy: Poll: Obama's losing support; Romney would beat him now
...Obama's approval ratings have sunk to the lowest level of his presidency, so low that he'd lose the White House to Republican Mitt Romney if the election were held today...

Romney had the best advantage over the president among independents, preferred by 47-39 percent. Independents break for Obama over Huckabee by 42-40 percent. Palin fares much worse among independents. They favor the president over her by 52-35 percent.

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

As Pres. Harry Truman once said way back when, "give the public the a choice between a real Repub. and someone trying to act like one and they'll pick the real thing every time." This fall should have shown that was true. Obama has abandoned his parties own base and his only hope for reelection now is 1. that the economy revives this next yr. and unemployment somehow reverses itself or that 2. Sarah Palin gets the GOP nomination. He's probably going to need need both.