Sunday, December 12, 2010

Open Letter To The Left Establishment

D.C. protest is being planned for December 16th against the Obama Administration.

CounterPunch: An Open Letter to the Left Establishment
With the Obama administration beginning its third year, it is by now painfully obvious that the predictions of even the most sober Obama supporters were overly optimistic. Rather than an ally, the administration has shown itself to be an implacable enemy of reform.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's about time. The left is finally realizing Obama is really in all things that matter a Republican. The problem is the GOP has moved into the crazy zone and this has allowed the more moderate elements like Obama etc. to take over the Dem. party. This has left us with two essentially rightist parties and neither is interested in "real" fundamental change. At least change that benefits the majority of the American public.

Jim Sande said...

I think that if people knew what was up with SSI, there would be much more activism right now. Something similar happens in Europe people would be rioting in the streets. People just don't know what is going on, even the so-called progressives, actually I believe Republicans would be protesting if they knew. I'm talking old school older Republicans.

Glynn Kalara said...

The word is spreading. The alarms are being raised. The battle banners are being prepared. Obama is no longer being viewed by large segments of his own activist base as a friend or an ally. He's made the error of openly crossing a line he shouldn't have even gotten near. This latest betrayal over something as fundamental as the BV$H tax cuts, plus the little SSI stunt he tried burying in this so called deal has finally I think broken the camels back. He's lost the trust of his own base it's over.