Friday, September 17, 2010

Poverty Flourishes

As the country increases its poverty roles, the battle lines are forming. The tragic irony appears that sentiment is shifting back to the austerity AKA entitlement cutting agenda of the Republican Party. This occurs when more people than ever need help, serious help. Recall that cutting big government is code for doing away with all entitlements including Social Security. Also recall that corporate bailouts are not included in the realm of entitlement spending. Corporate welfare is always considered to be desirable in a time of "cost cutting."

CS Monitor: US adds 4.8 million more to ranks of the poor as poverty rate jumps
...1 in 7 people in America officially counted as living in poverty.

Some 43.6 million people were living in poverty last year – the highest number since 1959...

...50.7 million, were not covered by health-care insurance in 2009.

The poverty rate is likely to rise further...

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

He he, business funding enhancement, my bad...