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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Toys R You

This is the kind of news we probably will be seeing in the next couple of months, we hope. The holidays open up some hiring as the gift giving arousal reoccurs.

I suspect that the official numbers on employment will improve leading to talk of an improved economy. Unfortunately we are talking about temporary jobs.

Google: Toys R Us to hire 45,000 workers for holidays


Glynn Kalara said...

People cannot live on part-time jobs. The crisis in the economy is just that. No "real" jobs are being created just these seasonal jobs that pay poorly and have no benefits or future. If this is the 'Merica of the future then were now officially a 3rd world country. Mission Accomplished Gop/Dems., you've both managed to destroy the middle class and while at it kill HOPE.

Jim Sande said...

Its true, this is as good as it gets right now, and its rather pathetic. Working at the mall is basically what this amounts to. The thing that gets me is that there is no shortage of things that need to be accomplished, but still there is no work.