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Sunday, September 19, 2010

30 Years Of Extreme

Robert Parry has written an outstanding summation article on the rise of extremism in America in the last 30 years. He hits on the hot and strangest spots, Reagan, trickle down, Gingrich, Bush, tea party, birthers, and the endless barrage of trumped up nonsense which is now the norm.

Consortium News: America's Decoupling from Reality
The Tea Party madness is aided and abetted by a now fully formed right-wing media apparatus that can popularize any false narrative (like Islam planning to conquer Christian America as represented by the building of an Islamic community center near Ground Zero).

Unlike many other congressional Republicans of the time, Gingrich cared little for constructive governance but a great deal for political gamesmanship. He was already plotting his route to national power and was ready to use whatever tactics would advance his personal and ideological cause.

What the Right learned was that it could achieve political gain by circulating an endless supply of baseless or wildly exaggerated allegations. Many Americans would believe them just because of the repetition over right-wing talk radio, especially by the most prominent talker Rush Limbaugh.

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

If its on TV or Radio it must be true.

Not many people are governed by a question authority type of motivation. They are too busy being entertained and distracted, or trying to accumulate wealth, or trying to work, or trying to figure a way out of their misery. A lot of wealth is accumulated on the backs of people's misery and stupidity.