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Monday, September 03, 2007

Must See Movie

We saw "No End In Sight" over the weekend. The movie makes our worst suspicions of the Bush administration and their pre-emptive war seem like naivete.

The politically correct talking head point is to say that the war against Iraq was mismanaged. That is the mildest form of stating the reality of the situation.

Simply stated, George Bush and his neo-con cadre redefined inept. There was no post war plan -

Maj. Gen. Tim Cross, the most senior British officer involved in the postwar planning, said..."Right from the very beginning we were all very concerned about the lack of detail that had gone into the postwar plan and there is no doubt that Rumsfeld was at the heart of that process..."

Retired Gen. Sir Mike Jackson also singled out Rumsfeld for criticism, saying his approach to the invasion was "intellectually bankrupt," according to quotes excerpted from his autobiography and published by The Daily Telegraph Saturday. Source

There was no understanding of history particularly in relation to what would happen when Iraq's 500,000 strong military were fired. There was nothing but error upon error upon error in stumbling into what is kindly called policy. So arrogant and presumptuous in their ideology are and were Bush and the neo-cons that reality never got in the way one iota. They created the Iraq occupation on fantasy and the result continues to be monumental suffering.

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