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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Mass Murderer

Paul Craig Roberts recent article compared Bush to one of the world's worst mass murders. The article was originally posted on

Its important that an article written by someone who was a close advisor to President Reagan, who is also highly critical of President Bush, be spread around the community as widely as possible. This is an accusation that is intense and deep, and Roberts' accusation needs to be understood.

"Bush has discarded habeas corpus and the Geneva Conventions, justified torture and secret trials, damned critics as anti-American, and is responsible, according to Information Clearing House, for over one million deaths of Iraqi civilians, which puts Bush high on the list of mass murderers of all time. The vast majority of "kills" by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan are civilians." Source

This is quite a charge. He is comparing Bush to the all time mass murderers of human history. This list would include Hitler, PolPot, and Stalin.

September is the month when the US is to become convinced that Bush has a plan for Iraq that is working. However, there are a slew of articles out that conclude the surge is a spectacular failure.

Facts are important. In matters of war, human life is the most important thing. If there is a purpose to war, and many would say that there is no purpose, that purpose would be to somehow or other improve the overall situation for someone.

It might improve the situation for a power hungry ruler who wishes to control more territory. It might improve the situation for corporations that stand to gain huge profits through manufacturing the products used in war. I suspect that the 'just' war is supposed to improve the overall situation for a large segment of the population.

The facts out of Iraq are not good.

More Than 1,800 Iraqis Killed in August

At least 1,809 civilians were killed, compared to 1,760 in July, based on figures compiled from official Iraqi reports.

The August total included 520 people killed in quadruple suicide bombings near the Syrian border on Aug. 14, the deadliest day since the war began in March 2003. The attacks targeted Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect whose members are considered to be blasphemers by Muslim extremists.

In this light, how can Bush say that his plan is producing good results?


Glynn Kalara said...

The "Surge" is having the calculated effect on Hillary , Obama and the rest of the Democratic jellyfish. Its sole purpose to divide and enfeeble an already weak kneed and divided opposition to this horror. The War profiters and OIL crowd will feast on more war booty for the next yr. etc. As BV$H has said the Surge shows progress is being made (for him and his cronies). It all just depends on what your measure is for success. For the rest of us and the Iraqi people the surge is just more of the same murderous robbery.

Jim Sande said...

It occurs that an invasion of Iran makes the 'mismanagement' of Iraq go under the table.